

Up200 Pull 50×8(1'10) kick 50×8(1'30) swim 50×8(1'10) BR drill 50×4 bk style kick drill 50×6 2k 1b swim 50×10(1'30) down 100 total 2500(2400)


Up200 Pull 50×4×3 ①1'00 ②1'10 ③1'20 Kick 50×6 odd(25= right leg up 25=swim) even(25=left leg up,25=swim)2'00 swim 50×6(1'10) BK Swim 100×6(2'30) swim 50×4 stylr one 50×4 down 100 total 2500 ××××××××××



Up200 Pull 50×4(normal)1'20 pull 50×4 odd(25= right hand scaling 25=normal) even(25=left hand scaling,25=normal)1'30 kick no board 50×4 odd right hand 3times scaling even left hand 3times scaling swim 50×2 swim 50×4 BK drill 50×4 each25 al…


up200 Pull 200×1 rest'60,100×2(2'10),50×4(1'10) Kick no board 50×6 odd=right hand left breth,even= left hand right breth Swim 200×1 rest '40,100×2(2'10),50×4(1'10) BR Kick drill 50×4(25=Kick twice on each side alternately,25=normal kick) S…


I have been suffering from pain in the base of my foot for about a week. Although I am still in pain, I have resumed training. It took me a while to gain muscle, but it took less than a week for my muscles to become weak. Getting old is sa…


up200 Pull 50×4. Odd 25=right hand,25=normal ,even 25=left hand ,25=normal (1'20>>1'30) pull 50×4 normal (1'10) Kick 50×3 on board. 1/3bleath(1'50) swim 50×5 rest 1'00 50×5(1'10) BK Drill kick 50×8 ①50×2. 4times 1→→2→→3→→4 ②50×2 4times 1→2…


Up200 Pull 50×8(1'10) Kick 50×6(1'50) Swim 50×10(1'10) FLY DRILL 50×4one hand swim Drill 50×4 k4+s2 Swim 50×2 total1900


Up200 Pull 50×8(1'10) Kick 50×6(1'50) Swim 50×8(1'20) FLY drill 50×4(25= right hand 2times,left hand 2times) (25=free) Drill 50×4(25=right hand 2times,left hand 2times,normal 2times) swim 50×2 down 100 total 1900


Up200 Pull. 50×3(1'20)glide 50×3(1'10)catch up 50×2(1'10)normal kick 300×1 Swim 50×2(1'20)glide 50×2(1'10)catch up 50×4(1'10)normal BRdrill 25×8 odd=sitting posture pull,even=pull Swim 50×4 Style one 50×6 down 100×1 Total 2000